I LOVE to read other people's blogs. Maybe it is because I am nosy but I just enjoy seeing how others do their blogs and really being jealous that I don't do that good of job on mine. Which I am going to work on. With that said, I read some blogs that are pretty popular and it amazes me how mean people can be. I know that that is the world we live in but I don't understand why people do and say things about other people just to be plain mean. I read a blog about a woman who has struggled with infertility. She finally got pregnant and had a baby yesterday. I also followed her on her twitter account and people had made up a fake twitter account and was making fun of her and her baby. I MEAN REALLY PEOPLE! I don't understand why poeple do stuff like that. They either don't have a life or they are just mean. Just get a life. I just don't get it. These people that write the blogs are just regular people like you and me who decide to blog their stories and do a very good job about it and you come along and ruin it for everyone just because! I just don't get it. What satisfaction do you get from that? Okay. I am done I just had to get that out. I know that no one reads my blog but my sister and brother who I love but I just had to say how i felt!
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