So I got a new camera this weekend so I am going to try really hard to be a better blogger. I know nobody reads this BUT I really want it for my family to see what we are doing.
My mom was here all week to help me with Bazaar which went alot better then we thought it would!
Friday- The girls spent the night with Aunt Jackie and Mason went to spend the night with Momo and Popo. Being that Anthony, mom and I were home alone what did we do? Go to bed by 9pm :) Jackie called at 10:30 that Madisyn did not want to stay and was ready to come home so she brought her back to us. I think she was just overly tired and they were watching a movie and she just wanted to sleep.
Saturday- We woke up around 8 and got up and dressed. We were watching a little girl from Makenzie's team this weekend so she came and then we waited for Makenzie to get home. We then went to eat breakfast at a taco place. It was DELICIOUS!!!! Ant went to work for his dad and I took Delialah and Makenzie to a birthday party. Madisyn and I went to clean out the car and get ice cream! I picked the girls up, waited for Ant and off to Corpus we went. We stopped in Victoria where I got my new camera and we ate in the mall at Chick-fil-a.

Then we were headed to Corpus!

We checked in at our hotel!

And let the girls go swimming in there indoor/outdoor heated pool and hot tub!

Then we headed to Joes Crab Shack! Now this is a story that I want for my memory. There was a party of 35 ahead of us so we had to wait about 35 minutes. Well, the party was a group of high school theatre students from Midland Texas. My girls were bored so they started playing "Mrs. Sally Johnson!" Well, before you know it there was a group of about 15 kids in the circle with them and the rest of the students were singing the song! It was really neat. Of course Madisyn would only go to her sister or Delialah!

There is a video but I can't get it to upload! They had a good time! Afterwards we went back to the hotel and hung out for a while! I will do Sundays post later :)