Well I know I have lots of post I need to put up but I am going to try really hard to stay up to date but I have said that alot and haven't done so well!!! I just got back from staying at my parents house for a month. My sister and brother-in-law are living there while they wait for their house to be ready for them to move in. Because of this I was worried about how it was going to be with 5 adults and 3 soon to be 4 kids in the house. It really wasn't bad. I was there for a month waiting for my sweet niece to be born. She was stubborn and decided to wait until she was 41 weeks and 2 days and my sister had to be induced even though she really didn't want to be.
My sister was induced on July 20, 2011. Mom and I got up to the hospital at abour 1pm and her medicine was started at 2pm. My mom brought the nurses treats and let me tell you that was really helpful. My mom left about 6 pm to take care of the dogs and my kiddos. I wanted to stay and was told htat it might be all night and into the morning. Tara wanted a natural labor and water birth and she got to do that. Let me just say this (and it is not because my sister reads this) I am really proud of her. I have no desire to ever have a natural birth (with no medicine) but that is what my sister wanted and she got it. She was able to do it and she got potossin. She is amazing and I am SO proud of her.
This is a funny story:
So Jarretts parents, Tara's best friend Danielle and I were all waiting in the waiting room. I was doing really good I had my laptop and was reading blogs and playing games. Jarrett was sending us updates and the last update had come about 9:30pm. Well, at about 10:30pm a nurse walked by the waiting room and told Jarretts dad " congratulations" then she got on the elevator and left. We were like "what do you mean congratulations". Oh I forgot to mention we did not know the baby's name. So needless to say I started getting fidgety. At about 11:15pm Jarrett sent us a text. Another funny story. For some reason my phone got the text messages faster then the rest so I found out the name first :-). Anyway at 10:17 pm my first niece Raegan Steele O'Donnell was born weighing 7.5lbs and was 20.5 inches long.