This weekend we went to the Frio River for our annual river trip with Anthony's family. This year we were going from Friday-Tuesday. On Friday I woke the kids up and got them ready to go and Mason had 100.8 so we started giving him Motrin. We had our kids and two of Anthony's cousins, Hana and Cole in the car. We left about 11:30 and stopped for lunch in Shulenberg and then got to the house at about 5:30. Mason was still hot due so we just kept pumping medicine into him. We had fried fish for dinner, played games and went to bed. On Saturday Anthony and I made breakfast. We made tatertot, meat, egg casserole and then we got all the kids ready and went to the river. Mason, Madisyn and I came up after about 2 hours so that they could take a nap. Anthony and Makenzie ended up taking a nap later also. Mason only slept about an hour. He was just not feeling good. Anthony stayed up until about 5am playing poker with his cousin and sister but I went to bed. The beds are NOT very comfortable!!!!!! That night we had fajitas and margaritas for dinner. Mason didn't sleep very well, he was very restless. Sunday morning we woke up about 9am and had pancakes. Mason was very fussy and we discovered that he had blisters (big ones) all over his tongue. Needless to say Sunday was a very LONG day. Mason was miserable but the girls had fun down at the river. Once again I went for about 2 hours and then came back up with Mason so that he could lay down for a nap although he didn't take a very long one. When we woke up this morning my FIL said that Mason didn't sleep very long at all and suggested that we go home so that we can take him to the doctor. So we packed up but when we got to the car the battery was dead so we weren't able to leave until 9:45am. We are hoping to be able to make the 2:30 appt. Makenzie was VERY upset that we were leaving and my IL's offered for them to stay but Anthony wanted us to leave as a family! So there you have it. My camera was dead for the first half of the trip but I was able to get some pictures.

We took Mason to the doctor. We did make the appt. and he has mouth ulcers. We were given medicine. When I went to turn in it the pharmacist told me NOT to give it to my son that is was NOT meant for baby's so I called the doctor and he said it was fine. It helps to numb his mouth! Since it is viral there is nothing they can do except help with the comfort!